The 10 Best Blogs to Read in 2022 to Improve Your Life

2022 has arrived, and information is coming at us like sheets of rain.  Do this, not that, buy this, read this, go on this vacation, follow these guidelines about the pandemic, listen to this TV channel, and follow this star on Instagram.  The problem is there is tooooooo much information floating around, and, sorry to say, we don’t know what information is accurate and what is false.  The information also tends to be negative.  We need to search for positive thoughts and helpful information for our lifestyle and mental health.

What a sad situation.  Growing up, my parents were adamant – lying was about the worst sin there was.  If something terrible happened at school (involving me) and I didn’t tell them the minute I arrived home, I was in trouble big time!  Luckily, something only happened once. The principal heard what was going on and called Noelia and me into his office to resolve the problem.  This happened when I was in eighth grade in a small town in south Texas.  At that moment in time (many, many years ago), I was on the track team and a fast sprinter.  I also ran the hurdles and the relays.  One of my classmates, Noelia, was also a short sprinter.  We were constantly competing to see who was best.  Well, this incident happened at lunchtime one day, when she and her friends came up to my friends and me and started bad-mouthing me, using words I didn’t understand, and putting me down.  Noelia suggested we go to the alley across the street from the middle school after school was dismissed and figure out who was the best.  Little did she know my family was renting that house she proposed meeting behind.

I was terrified; I wasn’t a fighter.  I was the oldest sibling – no brothers to mess with.  And I didn’t know the first thing about fighting.  I would have to rely on the pulling hair technique I used with my sister.  Ha! Ha!  Thankfully, the principal was alerted of this upcoming meeting and informed us that we would resolve these issues or do detention.  We quickly fixed the problems.

One advantage of becoming more mature (ok – older) is that we’ve hopefully learned from our mistakes.  It isn’t worth the tension and anger or losing a friendship when you disagree with someone else.  Sometimes it’s just personalities; sometimes, we’re too headstrong and not about to go along with that person.

I had a pastor once tell me, “Just agree to disagree and move on.”  I was unsure about that statement at the time, but now I completely understand and agree.  It’s not rocket science.

I’ve included a list of ten websites you might find interesting or beneficial in this new year.  These websites deal with lifestyle, cooking, traveling, health, home, and décor.

I hope you can find websites that might help you with issues you might confront in 2022.

Happy Blessed New Year!

All my best,


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