Five Ways to Stimulate Your Creative Side

  People who develop their creative side tend to feel more passionate about their pursuits, mainly because this type of pastime can have a calming effect on both the brain and the body.  With these activities, the changes we encounter can be less devastating and become more of a learning experience. Specific topics or creative …

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How to Seek the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

What do we mean when we say EXTRAORDINARY?  The online definition is:  beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established;  exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy, remarkable. What about ORDINARY?  It means: of no special quality or interest; commonplace, unexceptional; plain or undistinguished. So why would we want to seek the extraordinary in …

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16 Songs to Inspire and Motivate You

ARE YOU READY? August and September bring about a new chapter in many of our lives.  For students, they are going back to their school routine (hopefully after the Covid pandemic).  Parents are preparing their students for the new year at school, for any extra-curricular activities before or after school, and for any clubs their …

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Hello… Goodbye

I may not be an expert on the subject of change, but after 45 moves before I graduated from high school, I’ve learned to be proficient at it.

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