National “Make a Difference” Day – October 23, 2023

With all the unrest in our world, especially in the Middle East, I thought it appropriate to remind readers that the national “Make a Difference” day is scheduled on Monday, October 23, 2023.  I don’t know about you, but recently, I’ve felt unsettled and disheartened with everything I see in our world, cities, and communities.  A kind of self-centeredness and not caring for our fellow neighbors and citizens.

As I spoke with two of my best friends from high school this past weekend at the funeral of one of their mothers, we all felt less and less importance was placed on our feelings as we age.  One example we agreed on was when we sent gifts for birthdays, weddings, graduations, etc., we often did not receive a thank you.  We felt sad that these small gestures were not being taught to the next generation.

In writing this blog post, I wanted to spark some interest in making a difference in someone else’s life – even if only for a moment.  Let's use this Make A Difference Day to reach out.  My husband and I have chosen to do that by sponsoring young girls in Uganda for about fifteen years.  One inspirational woman at our former church in Colorado began her personal journey of making a difference for young women in Uganda.  Her outreach is called Outreach Uganda.  She desires to teach these women and children how to work and support themselves.  Click the link to discover how you might help support this amazing ministry.

It has become too easy to think about ourselves and the little space we occupy in this universe – where we live, what we drive, what vacations we take, and then brag on social media.  We don’t consider how we might unintentionally be affecting someone else.  I have been witness to those affected by such social media posts.

Other areas of our communities that could use our help are schools, thrift stores, and group homes that depend on volunteers to make the wheels run smoothly.

It is so rewarding to help out, especially when people don’t expect it.  During the pandemic, on May Day, the first of May, I baked cookies and delivered them to friends and acquaintances around my subdivision.   It was a surprise, and I hope I brought a small light during that season of darkness.

Put your creative cap on and see what you can do for others around you.  Life can seem like a game of dice, not knowing what the next roll will bring or how we will handle it. So, let it be a challenge to all of us to reach out to others to brighten their day, to let them know someone is thinking about them, or to make their burden lighter.

I want to thank all of my readers for your dedication and the positive comments you left for me.  If you have any subjects you want me to research or address, please notify me in the comments on my website (, and I will see what I can do.  Take care.


All my best,


Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti



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