Should You Attend Your Class Reunion or Not?

Class reunions – some attend, some don’t.  Many people have no desire to see their former classmates.  Others, I believe, are afraid to participate because they are unhappy with the way they feel or how they look or fearful of what others might say about them.  While others may have had a falling out with …

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Miles, and Miles, and Miles of Highway

            I’ve never tried to figure out the highway miles that I have traveled.  Montana to Texas, Wyoming to New Mexico – way too many to calculate.  On the longer trips, Dad had a daily goal of 600 miles.  We witnessed the speed limits go up and down – trying to conserve gasoline, which immensely …

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Pictures, Petals, and Pleasantries

            As my daughters are now adults, I have been going through totes of pictures accumulated since birth.  I love scrapbooking, so I am finally getting around to sorting, embellishing, and inserting into scrapbooks, along with tidbits I remember.  The pictures recovered tell my story.  Your photographs tell your story.   Special moments today are the …

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Changes, Challenges, and Choices

          Choices are new every day!  When an unanticipated change hits you – you have the option to make a monumental difference in your life.  You try to avoid detours and disasters.  Although the choice might seem insignificant, it could pave the way for a positive outcome, and you could capitalize on the opportunities presented …

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