Are You Still Making Excuses?

What was your excuse today?  I planned to exercise, but with temperatures so steamy, I told myself, “It’s too hot!” Or “I’ll do it tomorrow.”  I planned to call my sick friend, but I might bother her, or she could be sleeping.  I intended to send a birthday card to my mom’s dear friend, but the day passed, and I felt terrible for forgetting.

Why do we make excuses, especially when things are uncomfortable or stressful?  That is my problem.  I put it off and delay the anxiety or often forget about it.  Someone told me I have ADHD.  I don’t know if that’s true, but I know sometimes it is hard to complete the task.  I move on to something else, so I don’t have to face the problem to deal with the turbulence it stirs in me.

Do you make excuses for things you need to accomplish?  For instance, I know many couples who continue to procrastinate having their wills drawn up.  THIS IS IMPORTANT!  Wills are not for your protection.  They are for the protection of your heirs – your children, your grandchildren, and the assets you worked so hard to accumulate.

We often categorize this conduct as procrastination.  The self-sabotaging behavior has been linked to depression and anxiety.  You can read more at:  Never let excuses get in the way of your goals.  Think long term, but take small steps in the short term – what can I accomplish today toward my goal?  What you do right now adds value to your future.

What destroys our productivity?  Many would answer correctly with time on social media and excessive TV watching.  Schedule your days and weeks to find order in accomplishing those goals.  Protect your time when working on those critical tasks, so you don’t get distracted.  There will always be interruptions, but by scheduling time, you will not fall prey to others’ agendas.

Your state of mind and attitude also influence your daily performance and productivity.  These can be affected by the amount of sleep you get, what types of foods you eat, and the people you hang out with.  They all influence what mental state you’re in.

“You’ve got to pump yourself up and get yourself into a hyper mental state. And you have to do this yourself. Nobody can do this for you.”

— Tony Robbins

Therefore, when you’re feeling the urge to procrastinate, try to:

  1. Create a routine that works for you. Calendar in the necessary items before your day or week becomes crazy busy.
  2. Breathe deeply for 10-30 seconds, in and out through your mouth and belly, taking no breaks. More oxygen is inhaled, providing more oxygen to the brain and body.
  3. Engage in a quick workout such as push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, or kettlebell swings. These exercises elevate your heart rate and increase blood circulation, making you feel more energized.
  4. Take a cold shower.  I have tried this before, but Tony Robbins has some suggestions for making this work.  Start by staying calm, breathing deeply, and silencing your mind. After about 10-15 seconds, you’ll know you can handle it.  Try to wait for a total of 30 seconds.  Initially, it is a struggle, but the instant energy boost will feel amazing.
  5. Review your goals to keep them fresh on your mind. Place them somewhere you can see them to remind you to stay motivated, focused, and productive.

Hopefully, the above information will assist you in achieving your goals and saying goodbye to excuses for things you need to accomplish.  Your state of mind – attitude – will contribute to your success.


All my best,



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